Branding and Signage: How to Cut Costs, Not Quality

When preparing your trade show budget, you’ll need to include some room for branding and signage at your booth. If you’re not careful, these advertising costs can drive up your budget considerably. However, there are several ways you can lower costs and still create eye-catching booth designs.

Go Digital

If you have the technology, you might as well use it. Many venues have access to monitors and screens that can be used to project graphics for you. These eliminate the time and cost of printed materials. Digital branding at a trade show event will also allow you to make last minute adjustments. Best of all, you won’t be trapped lugging a pile of signs home with you. That’s where trade show booth rentals come into play. It’s much easier to rent your displays, than deplete your budget buying these monitors or displays outright.

If you only do a handful of trade shows per year, it might be more cost effective to rent a digital display, rather than producing physical signage.

Also, you’ll want to allow time to test any equipment before the show begins. You want to make sure that everything works, staff are able to operate any equipment, and that you have enough extension cords or outlets nearby.

Choose Flexibility

When digital isn’t an option, try to make your traditional signage as diverse as possible. Don’t add the current year or specific trade show event information directly on your main branding signs. Keeping your words simple ensures you can reuse the signs at later events.

Flexibility extends beyond just word choice. Actually choosing more supple materials can lower your sign budget over the long term. Pick materials that you can easily store without fear of damage. Foam, while cheap, can chip and dent if handled too roughly. Plastic can scratch, leaving an unsightly surface. Many paper-based materials are prone to moisture damage.

If you plan on reusing your signs on a regular basis, consider some alternative reusable materials like vinyl, magnetic strips, or fabric. These styles of signs and banners are easy to roll up and tuck away for future use. With proper storage, they are less likely to show signs of aging or use.

Embrace Eco-Friendly Options

Would you like to eliminate post-trade show storage completely? Consider renting a chalkboard style sign for a creative and temporary booth display. Local artists can be hired to design and layout your message if you are not creatively inclined. Whiteboards also make colorful and ever-changing signage. Don’t feel limited to school-evoking easels, though. Apply chalkboard paint to a variety of surfaces. Turn freebie tables into giant banners with a lick of paint and some rainbow pastel colors.

Switching up materials is another way to incorporate environmentally friendly signage and branding. Swap plastic or metal sign posts for green products like bamboo and recycled aluminum. If you must use more traditional signs, pick sturdy materials that hold up well. For example, gator board rather than foam, might initially cost more, but it is not as flimsy and can withstand rougher treatment.

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