The Benefits of Vendor Presentations

Trade shows are full of booths; booths upon booths, and a sea of people who are eager to visit each one. But from within this sea, there are sure-fire ways to stand out and rise above the crowd. These scenarios are the perfect opportunity to schedule a vendor presentation. These brief talks can run between five and twenty-minutes and put your brand front and center at the event. While it will require additional planning and budgeting, presenting at a trade show offers numerous benefits to your company.

Standout in a Sea of Booths

Scheduling a vendor presentation puts your company name in front of more clients, even if they never take a seat for your talk. Trade shows print and display presentation schedules, ensuring your name has a high visibility among attendees. While choosing an ideal booth location is important, it is not always possible. Taking advantage of a vendor presentation can combat poor booth positioning so that you still receive significant exposure to attendees. Also, here is an opportunity to invite people to your booth following your talk. Using slide shows and other visual aids also offers additional time to project your company’s logo. Consider this when planning your trade show displays.

Reinforce Your Expertise

Vendor presentations provide an excellent forum for displaying your knowledge and expertise in the industry. Stay current on the latest industry news and trends, incorporating these into your talk strengthens your position as an industry leader that continually evolves to remain relevant. Use this platform to educate rather than just sell. In doing so you will increase your brand’s credibility in the marketplace and among your competitors.

Identify Weakness and Strength in Your Story

Although vendor presentations draw a larger audience, there may not necessarily be a captive audience for the presentation. People will freely enter and exit as they please. If you notice several people fidgeting, yawning, or abandoning your talk during certain points, use this as an opportunity to improve sluggish areas of your speech. You may also find yourself with a sudden influx of curious passerby, or perhaps a certain phrase or gesture makes people stop and pay attention, these are moments to be further capitalized upon at future trade shows. Vendor presentations should not only be a learning opportunity for potential clients, but also for your team.

Build Your Brand

Public speaking puts you in a different dynamic than just chatting one-on-one to trade show attendees. The presenter takes center stage, commands focus, builds trust through transmission of knowledge, and even physically takes on a more confident and powerful position. Here is your chance to define where your brand fits within the industry. Great vendor presentations bolster qualifications and solidify you as an expert. The more you speak in public, the more your brand will be seen as an innovative. Having advance oratory skills ALWAYS increases audience attention and participation.

Generating Attention from the Press

A vibrant and memorable vendor presentation can generate positive attention from numerous press/media outlets at a trade show. At almost every trade show there is at least a local T.V. reporter or newsprint writer who will be there observing your every move. Just as unique client engagement activity or freebie can put the word out about your booth, likewise will an excellent speech given in a room with members of the media. Public speakers can electrify a crowd and build excitement, breaking up the monotony of wandering from booth to booth. Presentations also help you maximize potential press exposure; members of the media are more likely to go to a presentation than go to individual booths due to deadlines they have to meet.

Create Original Content

Record and photograph your vendor presentations for quick and easy visual updates for your social media accounts. This provides an organic follow up opportunity to reconnect with potential clients and partners from the trade show. It also displays your involvement and expertise in the industry to those who may not have attended.

For help planning and creating the perfect setup for your vendor presentation, contact Structure Exhibits before your next trade show booth rental.